Monday, April 30, 2012

Show Me Your Teeth

When Marek Olszewski age 45 entered his ex-girlfriends dentist office to solve his tooth ache there is a good chance that he had no idea of the head ache he would be getting instead. 

Olszewski's girlfriend Anna Mackowiak age 34 agreed to assist him with his problem however, despite her best attempts to remain completely professional she had a change of heart once her ex was in the chair.

According to reports, "That’s when Mackowiak allegedly gave Olszweski a massive dose of anesthetic and took out every single one of his teeth.  After the procedure, she wrapped his jaw in bandages to keep him from opening his mouth – and then she left.  According to the New York Daily News, Olszewski knew something was wrong as soon as he woke up, but he didn’t realize the full horror until he got home and looked in his mirror." 

Mackowiak is being investigated for medical malpractice and could face up to 3 years in jail if sentenced.

The moral of this story.........well I'll let you decide.  For more about this story go to the following link:

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