Friday, April 27, 2012

Time to Outlaw Dodgeball

Preston Hodge, Age 14
Dodge ball is a past time that we as children learned to deal with while participating in Physical Education classes. 

The old saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" often does not apply when a coach or a teacher, provides your bully with a weapon.  14 year old Preston Hodge of Oklahoma is just one example of how far bullying can go and how much teachers need to be aware of the problems before they start. 

According to reports from, "Preston Hodge, 14, suffered broken cheekbones, severe cuts and possible internal injuries in the fight Tuesday during lunch recess at Longfellow Middle School in Enid, about 90 miles north of Oklahoma City. A teacher supervising the playground eventually broke up the fight, according to the station." 

Witnesses say that Hodge and his aggressor had gotten into a confrontation during the game in which Hodge pushed him and swore. 

However, there are still questions that need to be addressed such as how many children were on the playground?  Were there sufficient number of teachers or eyes on the children from various viewpoints to have prevented such an attack?

Enid Public School superintendent Shawn Hines told reporters, "Nothing is more important than the safety of our students.  The EPS Police Department is investigating the situation and legal charges are pending. Our thoughts and prayers are with the student as he recovers from his injuries."


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