Monday, April 02, 2012

One Big Headache

When news broke of a top re-election campaign donor to President Obama being accused of defrauding a businessman and impersonating a bank official, the President and his staff found themselves with one big headache.

According to news reports: "The New York donor, Abake Assongba, and her husband contributed more than $50,000 to Obama's re-election effort this year, federal records show. But Assongba is also fending off a civil court case in Florida, where she's accused of thieving more than $650,000 to help build a multimillion-dollar home in the state -- a charge her husband denies."

The Obama camp has declined to comment on whether or not they will be proceeding with an investigation or if the money Assongba donated will be refunded. Amidst the suspected campaign fraud Assongba is facing other charges in the state of Florida for reportedly engaging a Swiss businessman named Klaus-Werner Pusch in an e-mail scam. Assognba's husband claims the allegations against his wife are untrue.

For this and other news please go to, or or to read more about this case click on:

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