Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mr. Bates gets Rebates

The classic Alfred Hitchcock movie Psycho made audiences sat perched on the edge of their theater seats and gasp in shock once they discovered who was behind the murders at the Bates Motel.  But of course everyone suspected it was the mother, but what they did not expect was that Norman Bates was his mother. 

Norman Bates portrayed by Anthony Perkins
The same scenario played out for an New York City man who decided to dress up and appear as his deceased mother, but not to murder innocent travelers, but to continue to receive her Social Security benefits and rental assistance.  

According to reports, "Thomas Prusik-Parkin is accused of collecting Irene Prusik's government benefits and rent subsidies for six years after her 2003 death -- with the help of a wig, some nail polish, a scarf and his mom's favorite bright-red dress." For now this particular Mr. Bates will not be able to receive any further rebates from his deceased mother or on the tax-payer dollar. 

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