Sunday, April 08, 2012

Painter of Light: Kinkade Dies at 53

To many Thomas Kinkade's images are the very things seen on post cards, Christmas cards or Hallmark invitations. His paintings were filled with warmth, light and a glimmer of hope that expressed the very depth of how mankind remembered their childhood homes and the quaint little towns where they were raised.

Kinkade, at age 53, passed away April 7th. Kinkade's work, which was not often admired by other artists or collectors, has net the painter an estimated $100,000,000 each year. When interviewed at one time Kinkade said of his work, "with whatever talent and resources I have, I'm trying to bring light to penetrate the darkness many people feel," the very move most impressionists like Monet had so beautifully perfected.

Thomas Kinkade is survived by his wife and four daughters. For this and more news please go to or

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