Monday, April 30, 2012

Underdog Take All

Newt Gingrich
Republican candidate for U.S. President and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has decided that after several long months of campaigning and very few states under his political belt he will be calling off his 2012 bid for the White House this week.

Gingrich had vowed to stay in the campaign even after the South Carolina primary which upset and even caused some confusion amongst the GOP.  Gingrich has however stayed on the campaign trail through North Carolina making several stops in the Tar Heel State from the Piedmont to the mountain areas this past week.

Sources told reporters that Gingrich will officially be bowing out on Wednesday, "Gingrich is leaving the race after struggling to follow up his comeback victory in the January South Carolina primary. Gingrich went on to win his home state of Georgia, but watched as Santorum won far more states and emerged as the Republicans' most viable alternative to Romney."

Rep. Ron Paul
Political analysis have also stated that Newt is taking a financial hit by staying active in the race.  With Gingrich about to throw in the towel that means the only other Romney opponent is U.S. Representative Ron Paul from Texas.

One of the most critical staring contest in history has been without a doubt between Paul and Gingrich.  However, Representative Paul appears to have won the staring contest.  Paul has been the underdog from the beginning of the primaries, but his finances appear to be well in the black as supporters continue to donate money to his campaign and push him through to the convention and shows no signs of slowing down.  Fox News announced late last week that Paul would no doubt be on the ballot at the GOP Convention in Florida.

Ron Paul's continued presence in the race is proof that the race is not really over, until it's over.  To read more about Gingrich stepping down please go to the following link:

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