Monday, April 16, 2012

Diminished Driver Skills & Seniors Driving

It is estimated that roughly 10,000 Americans reach the age of 65 per day. That being said we have all experienced a 'Sunday driver' at one point or time. It is being recommended that there be a limit set on elderly drivers and new standards for each state as far as license renewal is concerned.

Most states require drivers to come renew their license in person, while fourteen others allow drivers to renew their license via e-mail or traditional snail mail. According to reports "drivers ages 65 to 69 have the same fatal crash involvement rate as drivers in their 30s, and it is not until age 85 that older drivers overtake teenagers as the age group most likely to be involved in a fatal crash." Most of this is due to their diminished motor skills, lack of vision and slower reflexes. Many seniors once they reach a certain age decide not to drive at night.

Analysts suggest that while there is no real age to determine the inability of an elderly person to drive, because most will drive for several years safely past the age of 65, that a support system be in place to assist with their independence and mobility if a health issue rises. If limits are set however, seniors might see a change in their insurance coverage and policies.

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