Monday, April 23, 2012

Washed Away

It was perhaps one of the most significant and major environmental events to occur in the 21st Century.  The March 2011 tsunami devastated and displaced several people from their homes and even washed away some of their belongings.  For Misaki Murakami one of his most prized positions, a soccer ball was among those items that had been swept away.

David Baxter & wife Yumi
The soccer ball had been a good bye gift when he had transferred to another school and was inscribed with an inspiring message. However, the ball was found in Alaska.  According to reports, "David Baxter, a radar technician from Kasilof, Alaska, found Murakami's ball while beachcombing with a friend in March on Middleton Island, 70 miles south of the Alaskan mainland."  Mr. Baxer told the Associated Press via e-mail that, "when I first saw the soccer ball I was excited to see it and I thought it was possible it came from the tsunami zone."

David Baxter and his wife (photo left) plan to visit Japan in May but do not want to give the soccer ball to Murakami in person for fear of making too much of a fuss.  But Murakami did thank the couple for taking the time to find him.  The couple also found a volley ball but have not been able to locate its owner.  For more on this story please go to:

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