Thursday, May 31, 2012

Free as a Bird

Honor student Diane Tran, who was sentenced earlier this week in a case of truancy for having missed too much school because of her two jobs to help support her younger siblings, has been set free by a Texas judge.  The judge announced that the case against Miss Tran has been dismissed. 

According to reports, "After intense public outcry over the teenager's punishment, [Judge] Moriarty signed an order Wednesday dismissing contempt charges against Tran, a court clerk confirmed the girl must now complete the proper paperwork to have her record expunged." 

Diane Tran, Honor Student case dismissed
Diane Tran's mother and father separated, but when her mother moved away it left her to raise her two siblings alone. The overwhelming public out cry and response to Diane's personal story has not just come from bloggers, reporters or journalists but also from city officials. 

Today Diane Tran is a little richer for having had gone through this particularly upsetting experience.  Thanks to all of the media and social network attention "hundreds of people have rallied to raise money for Tran, including one group, Louisiana Children's Education Alliance, which has now raised more than $90,000 for the teen."

To read more about Diane Tran and her extraordinary story please go to the following link:

NYC Slams Big Gulp

Mayor Bloomberg of NYC
In an attempt to make New York City healthier Mayor Bloomberg has decided to ban the selling of any soft drink over 16 ounces.  However, many believe that regardless of the size ban many will instead purchase two 16 ounce drinks instead of their usual 20 ounce. 

According to reports, " The ban, which could take effect as soon as March, wouldn't apply to diet sodas, fruit juices, dairy-based drinks or alcoholic beverages. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Wednesday that he "thinks it's what the public wants the mayor to do."

So is this fair?  Does this mean there will be other regulations in the future on the size of pizza slices for New Yorkers?  Despite the push and desirability to be healthy by Mayor Bloomberg the idea of government control over size and portions is a bit tough for some Americans to swallow.  It is very likely that in the coming days there will be a number of ethical debates about the mayors current decision on tewnty-four-hour news programs such as C.N.N. and FOX NEWS. 

And the Award for Class Catastrophe Goes To......

Award to 8 Year Old
When elementary school students have their annual honors and awards day most of them expect to receive awards noting their academic achievements, not an award for how they find ways around being academically inclined.  However, for one 8-year-old student in Tuscon, Arizona her award was a "catastrophe" both literally and figuratively.  Upon seeing the award given to her daughter the girls mother became furious and accused the teacher of bullying her child. 

According to reports, "8-year-old Cassandra Garcia was reportedly given the "catastrophe award" for being the "one student with the most excuses for not having their homework done" in front of her entire third grade class at Desert Springs Academy."  The girls mother went on to tell reporters that all of the students laughed at her daughter when the award was announced.  While the classroom teacher insists that the award was given in good fun and as a joke to the young girl her mother insists it was cruel and a bullying tactic. 

Teachers should remember that they have a very important responsibility, not just to ensure that our children are learning but also to encourage that learning both inside and outside of the classroom.  If Cassandra was not completing her homework, or did not have it with her on several occasions there are steps the teacher could have taken to avoid this "catastrophe". Staying in touch with your classroom parents is very important, especially while students are young and should have been a priority for this particular teacher. Bad judgement calls such as this can do more harm than good, especially to a child's self esteem and even a teachers future career. 

To read more about this particular story please go to:

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Doc Watson Dies at 89

Doc Watson
Doc Watson's name is synonymous with Merlefest.  The music festival takes place each year on the campus of Wilkes Community College in Wilkesboro, North Carolina. 

The festival was only supposed to be a one time event in memory of Watson's son who passed away in a tractor accident in 1985, but since then it has grown to be one of the largest gatherings of bluegrass musicians in the country.

Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center spokeswoman announced Tuesday that the Grammy Award winning bluegrass musician had passed away at the age of 89. 

According to reports, "Watson was a master flatpicker, playing his acoustic guitar at lightning speeds that could intimidate other musicians. The blind musician also sang and played other instruments, including the harmonica.  His many awards include the National Medal of the Arts in 1997 and the lifetime achievement award from the Grammys in 2004. His albums earned seven other Grammys."

To read more about Doc Watson and his career please go to:

Honor Students Horror

Diane Tran a high school student in Texas was sentenced yesterday to a night in jail and no it was not for stealing or shop lifting.  It was for being too tired to attend her classes while having to help support her two younger siblings after their parents left them. 

Diane Tran
Reports stated that, "Tran, who works full-time at a dry-cleaning business and part-time for a wedding planner, has been supporting her brother and sister since her parents separated and her mother moved away.  Houston defense attorney Ned Barnett on Tuesday called the ruling "outrageous" and said "a little discretion should have been used" in the teenager's case. "It doesn’t take much discretion to have sympathy for Miss Tran," Barnett said. "To lock her up is just outrageous."

The real story here should not be Tran's exhaustion and inability to attend her classes, but the overall failure of the local school system to recognize the teenagers current situation and offer suggestions and help her to select an option that was best for her so she could finish her education and keep up in her courses.

Judge Moriarty told a local news station that, "If you let one run loose, what are you going to do with the rest of them? Let them go, too?"

This is clearly not the regular case of a teenager "running loose" as the Judge put it, but a teenager who is in need of parental and adult guidance during this difficult time, but it seems all they know how to do is to punish her for their mistakes once again. 

If you would like to read more about Diane Tran and the Judges decision in her case please go to:

Monday, May 28, 2012

Newton's Law

It has been 300 years since Sir Isaac Newton posed a very significant question, a mathematical question that is.  Perhaps best known for his work on the theory of gravity and best beloved by children learning science everywhere as the man who got hit the head with an apple, the 1600s mastermind has been figured out by a 16 year old German teenager. 

Sir Isaac Newton
The London Sunday Times reported, "Shouryya Ray worked out how to calculate exactly the path of a projectile under gravity and subject to air resistance. The Indian-born teen said he solved the problem that had stumped mathematicians for centuries while working on a school project.  Ray won a research award for his efforts and has been labeled a genius by the German media, but he put it down to "curiosity and schoolboy naivety."

Having been told by his teachers that there were no real solutions to the problems proposed to the class, Ray believed there was no harm in trying to figure out if this were true. 

This is perhaps proof that teachers, including Newton himself, are never the center of the universe (classroom), but instead must hand over certain problems to others (students) and let them work them out for themselves.

And if solving Newton's problem was not enough, Ray also solved a second problem from the 19th century.  To read more about Ray and the solutions he has reached please go to :

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Yes Clarice?

One of the most famous lines from the movie Hannibal starring Anthony Hopkins and Jodi Foster "Yes or no Clarice? can still send shivers up your spine as you briefly hear Hopkins eerie tone whispering through the movie screen. 
Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter

As sinister as Hopkins' character Lecter was in the film itself, nothing could have prepared Miami Police for what they witnessed on Saturday. 

The Miami Herald reported the, "Miami police and witnesses say that an officer on Saturday fatally shot a naked man who was chewing on the face of another man on a downtown causeway off-ramp. Gunshots were heard at about 2 p.m. on the MacArthur Causeway off-ramp, which is near the newspaper's (Heralds) offices. Witnesses said that a woman saw two men fighting and flagged down a police officer, who came upon a naked man mauling the other man." 

Police told reporters that the victim in the case had been taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital and was being treated for his injuries.  The identities of the individuals remain unknown and an investigation is currently underway.  To read more about the incident please go to:

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Proposal for Postal Workers

The United States Postal Service has been through a lot financially over the last couple of years.  The recession has undoubtedly taken a toil on the mail carrier services we depend on to get Christmas packages to and from our loved ones and in many instances pay bills. 

 However, with the ever growing popularity of paying bills online via the internet it has become difficult for the Post Office to keep up. 

According to reports the U.S.P.S. has struggled for years to gain control of their own in-house finances but with no support from the U.S. government.  As a result several post offices will remain open throughout the country, but hours of business will be cut for employees and post office users alike. 

An online article posted by Fox News told its readers Saturday that, "the U.S. Postal Service announced late Friday it would offer thousands of mail-handlers a $15,000 incentive to retire early, the most recent attempt by the financially-strapped agency to cut costs and stay open for business. The voluntary offer was extended to roughly 45,000 full-time union employees. It is part of the agency’s larger plan to cut its workforce by 150,000 over the next three years and close hundreds of mail-procession centers."

Employees who wish to accept the terms and conditions of this particular agreement must notify their branch by July and leave in August.  True that they will be receiving a $15,000 incentive to retire but they will only be receiving half of that payment this December and then the other half in December of 2013. 

So let's face it, early retirement today is not like early retirement when our parents and grandparents were working.  Because we all know that in reality early retirement usually means that you officially hang up your professional coat at one job and move on to the next.  To read more about the U.S.P.S. and their offer to employees please go to:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Can You Dig It?

Imagine being in your backyard, working on your new sidewalk and discovering a headstone not three feet from the surface.  What would you do? 

That's exactly the situation Jason Blackburn, 35, of Memphis found himself faced with when he discovered 13 tombstones from a historic military cemetery buried in his backyard.

In his official report Blackburn stated, "My first reaction was, 'Oh my goodness, I hope there's not dead bodies in my backyard."  Lucky for him there were no dead bodies, only headstones that had to be removed from the property.

 According to reports, "representatives from Memphis National Cemetery removed the 13 markers along with another 7 found buried in a different area of Blackburn's backyard. All the headstones were on record to have been removed in 1970, according to Ramon Miller, director of the cemetery, in the report. They found no headstones missing in the cemetery." 

The previous owner told Blackburn that he had purchased the property in the 70s from a cemetery employee who it is suspected would take home the tombstones that had errors on their granite surfaces.  To read more about Mr. Blackburn's excavation adventure please go to: 

"9-1-1 what is your....ZZZZZ...."

When a woman contacted 9-1-1 yesterday she did not expect to experience the Maryland dispatcher who was also a firefighter on the other end of the phone to fall asleep while on line to her.

The woman's husband was choking and for a full 38 seconds the operator could be heard snoring loudly until he came to and transferred the emergency call to a second dispatcher.  Throughout the call the snores grew louder and louder. 

The dispatcher has been suspended with pay and the Maryland county 9-1-1 office claims this is an isolated incident.  One expert believes that the event was a result of alcohol consumption on the dispatchers part. 

To watch the Good Morning America video of the incident please go to:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

All About the Evidence

John Edwards pictured on right
Former Presidential candidate John Edwards has had his share of political, financial and personal troubles over the last several years.  In 2008 he was accused of having an affair with his mistress Rielle Hunter and fathering a child.  Edwards denied that he was the baby's father on national television only to later back-track after a D.N.A. test was conducted and confirmed his paternity. 

It later came to light that Edwards supposedly used campaign funds to hide his affair with Miss Hunter who worked for his 2008 campaign.  Fast forward to present day and the jury in the John Edwards trail that happening in North Carolina, his home state, is on their third day of deliberations and have demanded more evidence in the case against the former N.C. Senator/Presidential hopeful. 

According to reports, "As with items requested earlier, the jury's latest requests are related to Rachel "Bunny" Mellon, the heiress who provided much of the funds that allegedly helped keep Edwards' pregnant mistress during his 2008 run for the White House. Tuesday's requests include a July 27, 2006 letter from Mellon's estate lawyer, Alex Forger to Edwards campaign aide Andrew Young. In the letter, Forger mentions that he is chairman of The Interfaith Alliance, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group that promotes religious freedom."

If convicted on the charges Edwards will be facing 30 years in prison.  For more information the trail and jury deliberations please go to the following link:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stayin' Alive

Robin Gibb, pictured in the middle, with his brothers
Their unmistakable, classic and funky sound inspired an entire generation and graced one of the biggest soundtracks in music history. From Saturday Night Fever to Stayin' Alive, the brother's Gibb or Bee Gees were a powerhouse for the disco era. 

Yesterday, Robin Gibb passed away at the age of 62.  Robin had a long and difficult battle with intestinal cancer and the illness had taken a visible toil on the singer. 

Family spokesman Doug Wright said in a statement, "Robin passed away today following his long battle with cancer and intestinal surgery." Despite their differences Robin and his older brother, and only surviving member of the Bee Gees, Barry Gibb had managed to reconcile over the last couple of years. 

For more on the Bee Gees and their historic musical careers please go to: 

Monday, May 21, 2012

N.C. Student-Teacher Debate Obama

One North Carolina high school student raised a lot of eyebrows about President Obama when he asked if the current Commander in Chief had also bullied someone before.  

The high school class then captured their classroom teacher on video stating, "Do you realize that people were arrested for saying things bad about Bush?" the teacher said toward the end of the argument, telling the student, "you are not supposed to slander the president."  

The student told the teacher that one can't be arrested "unless you threaten the president." According to reports the conversation quickly escalated when the teacher continued to say that Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and President Obama had no similarities, that one was running for President and the other 'was'/'is' President.  The student quickly retorted that they are both just men and that the current President, in his own words, "is no god." 

The school administration made a public statement saying, "The Rowan-Salisbury School System expects all students and employees to be respectful in the school environment and for all teachers to maintain their professionalism in the classroom. This incident should serve as an education for all teachers to stop and reflect on their interaction with students."  At this time the N.C. teacher is still employed at the school.

Friday, May 18, 2012

"No Votes for You!"

Daniel Salinas, candidate for Mayor, arrested
Sunland Park, New Mexico would appear to be just another sleepy small town in America, but beneath its quiet facade and its rolling fiery colored hills lies a sea of deception and fraud. 

Just two minutes outside of El Paso, Texas this dusty border town is home to some of the worst voter fraud in the nation and can only be described by its auditor as "a city in chaos".

According to reports, "a slew of public officials are facing felony charges that they ran City Hall like a personal piggy bank, tried to steal an election in order to remain in power and ruled the 14,000 residents through intimidation and fear. The state is now moving to take over financial oversight of the city, as the council scrambles to try and name a new mayor."

As if the following allegations were not bad enough "authorities say the extortion investigation has revealed widespread voter fraud and public corruption in the small city just south of the Rio Grande," with charges ranging from blackmail and extortion all the way down to bribery. 

Is it time to overhaul the voter system?  Photo identification is being accepted in some states before individuals cast a ballot for the candidates of their choice during Primary and even General elections. 

North Carolina seeks to be one of those states and cut back on voter fraud and the potential thereof. 

To read more about the allegations against Sunland Park's mayor and the twelve other individuals being charged please go to the following link:

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Power Player

Dr. Oz, Katty Kay of BBC, and Chris Wallace of Fox News
Whether you are into game shows or not there is no denying how fun it is to watch "Washington Power Players" come together and try to out smart one another on Jeopardy.

 If you were not tuned in last night Chris Wallace, son of the late Mike Wallace and host of Fox News Sundays definitely had a few "power plays" up his sleeve when he stepped onto the stage with the likes of Dr. Oz and the B.B.C.'s Katty Kay. 

Wallace lagged behind slightly during the first round but as soon as the second round started he lit up the podium time and again. 

According to news reports, "Wallace, won $50,000 for his charity, Hope for the Warriors, an organization that tries to improve the quality of life for members of the military and their families affected by combat injuries or death in the line of duty." 

Other celebrities and political power players that are expected to join Alex Trebek on the Jeopardy stage are Anderson Cooper of C.N.N. Comedian Lewis Black and journalist Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune. 

 To read more about Chris Wallaces' sweeping win please go to:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fish out of Water

Like a fish out of water 60 year old Tommy Mollo who had assisted his friend move a boat in a marina at New Rochelle succumbed to an unusual case of delayed drowning after he fell into the water on Saturday morning.

 According to reports, "After returning to his home in nearby Yonkers, he told his wife he felt unwell and she called 911. Emergency workers took Mollo to the hospital, where he died."

The cause of death was listed as secondary drowning which meant that Mr. Mollo had gotten water into his lungs that had further aggravated heart problems causing him to pass away. 

Physician Gabe Wilson, from St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital in New York City, stated "Conceivably water could be inhaled while one still had the means to pull themselves out, but it would certainly be a rare occurrence as usually panic sets in by then." 

To ready more about this story please go to the following link:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Innocent until the End

James Lieban Professor of Law at Columbia

In 1983 Texas prosecutors sent a supposed killer to prison and then sentenced him to death.  But 29 years later Columbia School of Law students and their professor have discovered that the Lone Star State sentenced the wrong man. 

Innocent until the end Carlos DeLuna was mistaken for the actual murderer, even the families had a difficult time identifying the two. 

According to news sources the report completed by Columbia School of Law, "traces the facts surrounding the February 1983 murder of Wanda Lopez, a single mother who was stabbed in the gas station where she worked in a quiet corner of the Texas coastal city of Corpus Christi. 

The article goes on to say that, "the night Lopez called police for help twice to protect her from an individual with a switchblade.  Forty minutes after the crime Carlos DeLuna was arrested not far from the gas station. He was identified by only one eyewitness who saw a Hispanic male running from the gas station. But DeLuna had just shaved and was wearing a white dress shirt -- unlike the killer, who an eyewitness said had a mustache and was wearing a grey flannel shirt." 

A case of mistaken identity that ended in the tragic loss of an innocent life.  James Liebman, professor of law at Columbia, stated that this was "a case that he says is "emblematic" of legal system failure."  Lieban and his team of students spent 5 years pouring through the case of the clearly unfinished investigation.  To read more please go to the following link:

What Remains

Emanuela Orlandi
In 1983 Emanuela Orlandi, the daughter of a Vatican employee, went missing.  Thus started one of the greatest searches and mysteries in Vatican history.

 As a consequence authorities swarmed the basilica on Monday as they began to excavate the remains of a supposed mobster Enrico De Pedis who might have been connected to the young woman's disappearance. 

According to reports, "Orlandi was 15 when she disappeared in 1983 after leaving her family's Vatican City apartment to go to a music lesson in Rome. Her father was a lay employee of the Holy See.Amid a new push to resolve the case, the Vatican said last month it had no objections to opening the tomb. On Monday, Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi said the inspection of the De Pedis tomb was "certainly a positive fact" aimed at carrying out "all possible steps so the investigation could be completed."

What remains is only a vague hope and possible sense of closure for a grieving family.  During the exhumation of the remains of De Pedis, a family attorney stated that investigators "had found some 200 containers with bones near De Pedis' tomb in the ossuary."  The remains within the jars have been collected and will be examined closely and tested in the weeks ahead. 

If you would like to read more about Emanuela Orlandi please go to the following link:

Monday, May 14, 2012

Home Alone

A 13-year-old girl living in Utah went into her kitchen for an afternoon snack on Friday and was surprised to see an armed intruder standing before her. 

The young girl told authorities that the gunman apparently came through the back door of her home, which was open at the time, and was dark skinned.  She reported that when she had attempted to dial 9-1-1 using her cell phone the gunman threatened her and told her not to place the call. 

Police are still searching for the man who according to the girl "was described as around 6-feet tall with braided hair and wearing dark sunglasses -- evaded police before they arrived at the home." 

Regardless of neighborhood or location it is important for children of all ages who are left home alone to know to lock their doors and never open them for strangers. 

For more information on how to safe guard against intruders please go to the following website:  Or to read more about this particular story please go to:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hunk'a Hunk'a burning Millions

Andy Warhol & "Double Elvis"
Who doesn't know the name Elvis Presley?  Well if you don't and you're not from that generation Elvis was one of the largest rock stars to grace a stage, or the Ed Sullivan Show (the equivalent to Saturday Night Live or Jay Leno today).  

Even now, decades after the King of Rock n' Rolls passing his estate, songs, memorabilia and yes even art work of him goes for millions of dollars.

 According to reports: "Andy Warhol's "Double Elvis" a silver silkscreen image of Elvis Presley depicted as a cowboy, fetched $37,042,500. It had been expected to sell for $30 million to $50 million. The auction house said it was the first "Double Elvis" to appear on the market since 1995. Warhol produced a series of 22 images of Elvis. Nine are in museum collections.The rock and roll heartthrob is shown armed and shooting from the hip, a shadowy Elvis figure faintly visible in the background. It was offered for sale by a private American collector, who acquired it in 1977." 

Not a overall surprising number considering the number of visitors and admirers Presley has, after all his voice was one in a million too.  If you would like to read more about the auction and other artists who were featured please go to the following link :

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

From Boom to Bust

The headline reads like something out of an international spy thriller, "Would-be Al Qaeda bomber was CIA informant".  Over a month ago the U.S. got wind of a group of an Al Qaeda Yemen  branch of individuals who were plotting to place a newly sophisticated bomb aboard an airliner bound for the U.S. and hoped it wold be undetectable to security officials. 

According to reports, " The man the terrorists were counting on to carry out the attack was actually working for the CIA and Saudi intelligence, U.S. and Yemeni officials told The Associated Press on Tuesday. The dramatic sting operation thwarted the attack before it had a chance to succeed."  Officials say that the bomb they discovered the explosive was an upgrade to that of the 2009 Christmas bombing attempt in Detroit. 

Further reports indicate that "the FBI is still analyzing the explosive, which was intended to be concealed in a passenger's underwear. This new bomb contained no metal and used a chemical -- lead azide -- that was to be a detonator in a nearly successful 2010 plot to attack cargo planes."  For more news about the foiled bombing attempt please go to the following link:

N.C. Says "I Do" to Marriage Amendment

Throughout all the controversy, all the finger pointing and confusing rhetoric over the last few months nothing could keep North Carolinian's from heading to the polls for early voting, or on May 8th, in record numbers to support the Marriage Amendment.  The amendment would clearly define marriage in the state to be between a man and a woman. 

The New York Times reported, "about half a million people voted early, a record for a primary in the state, and turnout on Tuesday appeared to have been unusually high for a primary as well."

North Carolina already has a law on the books stating that no other civil union will be recognized in the state other than that between one man and one woman, however Republican lawmakers pushed to have this amendment on the ballot.

 According to further reports, "Over $3 million was spent on the rival campaigns, ministers formed coalitions pushing for and against passage, cities passed resolutions condemning the measure, former President Bill Clinton and the Rev. Billy Graham weighed in on opposite sides and law professors skirmished over the consequences."

The Tar Heel state has officially became the 30th state in the Union to vote for an amendment of this type.   To read more about the landmark decision for North Carolina please go to the following link:

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

It has been reported that nearly every day the U.S. Postal Services loses $25 million. 

Back in December the Postal Service wanted to close more than half of its mail processing centers, but the government refused as it has numerous times before. The USPS had offered to cut their own budget and close their own offices and take control of their budget but to no avail. 

According to reports, "until now, taxpayers have not been on the hook for its mounting losses, but that could be about to change. A bailout recently approved by the Senate would appropriate $34 billion in federal money."

But the USPS is cannot shoulder the full blame of their recent financial situation.  The report further stated that "Congress shares much of the blame. For years, the Postal Service begged Washington for the freedom to cut its own budget by closing post offices and cutting employees. But Congress, under pressure from rural constituents and labor unions, prevented the cuts, and the service continued to bleed red ink."

Is there another way to sign, seal and deliver our mail or will we as tax payers be held accountable for yet another government mistake and have to "post" bail?  To learn more about the USPS and the decision of Congress please go to the follow link:

Monday, May 07, 2012

Presidential Promises

President of Russia Putin
When the Russian people voted recently for a President, some of them clearly did not foresee former 59 year old Russian Prime Minister Vladamir Putin regaining power in their country.

Putin has held office since 2000 and with his recent victory he will gain power for an additional 6 years which means his term will not officially end until 2018. 

Putin told guests and newscasters, "I consider service to the fatherland and our nation to be the meaning of my life."  

Outside the Kremlin there was adamant disdain for the election of Putin to the Presidency as protesters wore white ribbons to symbolize their opposition to his appointment.  Security was very tight around the Kremlin as Putin's motorcade came and went. 

  Once he had been sworn in as Russia's President, Putin expressed his intentions to bring democracy to Russia by stating, "We want to live and we will live in a democratic country where everyone has the freedom and opportunity to apply their talent and labor, their energy. We want to live and we will live in a successful Russia, which is respected in the world as a reliable, open, honest and predictable partner." 

   Putin is best known for his economic reforms that have bolstered Russia's economy and his ability to restore national pride in the country.  Dmitry Medvedev has been, as promised by Putin, appointed to be Russia's Prime Minister.  To read more about the Russian election of President please go to the following link:

Thursday, May 03, 2012

The Great Escape

  A college student from Atlanta, GA founder herself in quite a predicament at 2am on Wednesday.  Chances are she never suspected that she would have to attempt a great escape to save her life.

According to the young woman's friend who is a philosophy student at Georgia State University both she and her friend were on their front porch when a gunman approached them and took her friend down the street stuffing her in the truck of his vehicle. 

The GSU student immediately called 9-1-1 and got into her own car and went searching for her friend.  Somehow authorities reported that the victim was able to escape her kidnapper just fifteen minutes after he had taken her hostage. According to her friend the young woman told authorities, "She managed to find sort of a latch mechanism and pull it and open the trunk and then jumped out of the car as he was speeding down the street."

Police believe that the same individual attempted to also kidnap another G.S.U. student however, that young woman screamed so loud it frightened it off.  To read more about the following story please go to:

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Spy Games

Gareth Williams
31 year old Gareth Williams worked for Britain's secret eavesdropping service GCHQ but was also attached to the MI6 overseas spy agency according to reports.  Williams' body was found badly decomposed in August 2010 inside his London apartment.  The code breakers remains were found in a padlocked bag inside his bathtub.

Coroner Fiona Wilcox told news agencies Wednesday, "it was unlikely that the demise of codebreaker Gareth Williams, 31, would "ever be satisfactorily explained," despite a 21-month police inquiry, and seven days of expert evidence to an inquest hearing." Wilcox informed Williams' family that "evidence presented during the inquest hearing wasn't sufficient to support a verdict of unlawful killing which they had sought." 

The mystery as to who took Williams' life and why reach so far as to have speculations regarding even the United States own Secret Service.  Meanwhile Williams family insists that his death had something to do with the work he was conducting for the GCHQ. 

Authorities have their own theories and believe that Williams might have had issues in his personal life indicating "Williams' death may have had links to his private life and an apparent interest in sadomasochism -- possibly during a sexual encounter gone awry. The hearing was told Williams previously had to call for help after he tied himself to his bed and couldn't escape."  Coroner Wilcox however disbelieves such claims and questions such leaks to the media as an attempt to manipulate evidence. 

Whatever the reason for Williams' death authorities are still seeking answers to bring to a grieving family.  To read more about the case of Gareth Williams please go to:

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Towed Away

Paul and Belinda Berloni
Grandparents in Florida certainly were "towed away" but not by the average tow truck---by the police!

The couple had attached their granddaughters toy car to the back of the S.U.V. and had opted to tow her, or drive her, down an access road at least four times. 

According to reports, "A Florida couple is facing child endangerment charges after they reportedly towed their 7-year-old  granddaughter behind their SUV in a toy car after having a few beers Sunday afternoon."  The couple stated to reporters, "We took this and hooked it around the hitch of the truck and drove about five miles an hour up and down the street with her." 

     In hindsight the couple admits that the stunt was dangerous and "stupid".  The couple, 47-year-old Belinda Berloni and her husband 49-year-old Paul Berloni even stated that they did not believe cops would arrest them, but that they would be warned and told that they could not haul their granddaughter behind them while attached to their vehicle. 

Deputies at the scene checked out Belinda and her husband Paul and discovered he had as many as 4 DUI's.  Thankfully their granddaughter is safe and unharmed.  The parents of the girl were upset with Belinda for the incident once they learned of it.  Belinda has since made bail and is under house supervision. 

    To read more about the Berloni's "tow away" experience please go to: