Monday, May 07, 2012

Presidential Promises

President of Russia Putin
When the Russian people voted recently for a President, some of them clearly did not foresee former 59 year old Russian Prime Minister Vladamir Putin regaining power in their country.

Putin has held office since 2000 and with his recent victory he will gain power for an additional 6 years which means his term will not officially end until 2018. 

Putin told guests and newscasters, "I consider service to the fatherland and our nation to be the meaning of my life."  

Outside the Kremlin there was adamant disdain for the election of Putin to the Presidency as protesters wore white ribbons to symbolize their opposition to his appointment.  Security was very tight around the Kremlin as Putin's motorcade came and went. 

  Once he had been sworn in as Russia's President, Putin expressed his intentions to bring democracy to Russia by stating, "We want to live and we will live in a democratic country where everyone has the freedom and opportunity to apply their talent and labor, their energy. We want to live and we will live in a successful Russia, which is respected in the world as a reliable, open, honest and predictable partner." 

   Putin is best known for his economic reforms that have bolstered Russia's economy and his ability to restore national pride in the country.  Dmitry Medvedev has been, as promised by Putin, appointed to be Russia's Prime Minister.  To read more about the Russian election of President please go to the following link:

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