Wednesday, May 23, 2012

All About the Evidence

John Edwards pictured on right
Former Presidential candidate John Edwards has had his share of political, financial and personal troubles over the last several years.  In 2008 he was accused of having an affair with his mistress Rielle Hunter and fathering a child.  Edwards denied that he was the baby's father on national television only to later back-track after a D.N.A. test was conducted and confirmed his paternity. 

It later came to light that Edwards supposedly used campaign funds to hide his affair with Miss Hunter who worked for his 2008 campaign.  Fast forward to present day and the jury in the John Edwards trail that happening in North Carolina, his home state, is on their third day of deliberations and have demanded more evidence in the case against the former N.C. Senator/Presidential hopeful. 

According to reports, "As with items requested earlier, the jury's latest requests are related to Rachel "Bunny" Mellon, the heiress who provided much of the funds that allegedly helped keep Edwards' pregnant mistress during his 2008 run for the White House. Tuesday's requests include a July 27, 2006 letter from Mellon's estate lawyer, Alex Forger to Edwards campaign aide Andrew Young. In the letter, Forger mentions that he is chairman of The Interfaith Alliance, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group that promotes religious freedom."

If convicted on the charges Edwards will be facing 30 years in prison.  For more information the trail and jury deliberations please go to the following link:

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