Monday, May 14, 2012

Home Alone

A 13-year-old girl living in Utah went into her kitchen for an afternoon snack on Friday and was surprised to see an armed intruder standing before her. 

The young girl told authorities that the gunman apparently came through the back door of her home, which was open at the time, and was dark skinned.  She reported that when she had attempted to dial 9-1-1 using her cell phone the gunman threatened her and told her not to place the call. 

Police are still searching for the man who according to the girl "was described as around 6-feet tall with braided hair and wearing dark sunglasses -- evaded police before they arrived at the home." 

Regardless of neighborhood or location it is important for children of all ages who are left home alone to know to lock their doors and never open them for strangers. 

For more information on how to safe guard against intruders please go to the following website:  Or to read more about this particular story please go to:

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