Wednesday, May 09, 2012

From Boom to Bust

The headline reads like something out of an international spy thriller, "Would-be Al Qaeda bomber was CIA informant".  Over a month ago the U.S. got wind of a group of an Al Qaeda Yemen  branch of individuals who were plotting to place a newly sophisticated bomb aboard an airliner bound for the U.S. and hoped it wold be undetectable to security officials. 

According to reports, " The man the terrorists were counting on to carry out the attack was actually working for the CIA and Saudi intelligence, U.S. and Yemeni officials told The Associated Press on Tuesday. The dramatic sting operation thwarted the attack before it had a chance to succeed."  Officials say that the bomb they discovered the explosive was an upgrade to that of the 2009 Christmas bombing attempt in Detroit. 

Further reports indicate that "the FBI is still analyzing the explosive, which was intended to be concealed in a passenger's underwear. This new bomb contained no metal and used a chemical -- lead azide -- that was to be a detonator in a nearly successful 2010 plot to attack cargo planes."  For more news about the foiled bombing attempt please go to the following link:

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