Thursday, May 03, 2012

The Great Escape

  A college student from Atlanta, GA founder herself in quite a predicament at 2am on Wednesday.  Chances are she never suspected that she would have to attempt a great escape to save her life.

According to the young woman's friend who is a philosophy student at Georgia State University both she and her friend were on their front porch when a gunman approached them and took her friend down the street stuffing her in the truck of his vehicle. 

The GSU student immediately called 9-1-1 and got into her own car and went searching for her friend.  Somehow authorities reported that the victim was able to escape her kidnapper just fifteen minutes after he had taken her hostage. According to her friend the young woman told authorities, "She managed to find sort of a latch mechanism and pull it and open the trunk and then jumped out of the car as he was speeding down the street."

Police believe that the same individual attempted to also kidnap another G.S.U. student however, that young woman screamed so loud it frightened it off.  To read more about the following story please go to:

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