Thursday, May 31, 2012

NYC Slams Big Gulp

Mayor Bloomberg of NYC
In an attempt to make New York City healthier Mayor Bloomberg has decided to ban the selling of any soft drink over 16 ounces.  However, many believe that regardless of the size ban many will instead purchase two 16 ounce drinks instead of their usual 20 ounce. 

According to reports, " The ban, which could take effect as soon as March, wouldn't apply to diet sodas, fruit juices, dairy-based drinks or alcoholic beverages. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Wednesday that he "thinks it's what the public wants the mayor to do."

So is this fair?  Does this mean there will be other regulations in the future on the size of pizza slices for New Yorkers?  Despite the push and desirability to be healthy by Mayor Bloomberg the idea of government control over size and portions is a bit tough for some Americans to swallow.  It is very likely that in the coming days there will be a number of ethical debates about the mayors current decision on tewnty-four-hour news programs such as C.N.N. and FOX NEWS. 

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