Wednesday, May 09, 2012

N.C. Says "I Do" to Marriage Amendment

Throughout all the controversy, all the finger pointing and confusing rhetoric over the last few months nothing could keep North Carolinian's from heading to the polls for early voting, or on May 8th, in record numbers to support the Marriage Amendment.  The amendment would clearly define marriage in the state to be between a man and a woman. 

The New York Times reported, "about half a million people voted early, a record for a primary in the state, and turnout on Tuesday appeared to have been unusually high for a primary as well."

North Carolina already has a law on the books stating that no other civil union will be recognized in the state other than that between one man and one woman, however Republican lawmakers pushed to have this amendment on the ballot.

 According to further reports, "Over $3 million was spent on the rival campaigns, ministers formed coalitions pushing for and against passage, cities passed resolutions condemning the measure, former President Bill Clinton and the Rev. Billy Graham weighed in on opposite sides and law professors skirmished over the consequences."

The Tar Heel state has officially became the 30th state in the Union to vote for an amendment of this type.   To read more about the landmark decision for North Carolina please go to the following link:

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