Monday, May 21, 2012

N.C. Student-Teacher Debate Obama

One North Carolina high school student raised a lot of eyebrows about President Obama when he asked if the current Commander in Chief had also bullied someone before.  

The high school class then captured their classroom teacher on video stating, "Do you realize that people were arrested for saying things bad about Bush?" the teacher said toward the end of the argument, telling the student, "you are not supposed to slander the president."  

The student told the teacher that one can't be arrested "unless you threaten the president." According to reports the conversation quickly escalated when the teacher continued to say that Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and President Obama had no similarities, that one was running for President and the other 'was'/'is' President.  The student quickly retorted that they are both just men and that the current President, in his own words, "is no god." 

The school administration made a public statement saying, "The Rowan-Salisbury School System expects all students and employees to be respectful in the school environment and for all teachers to maintain their professionalism in the classroom. This incident should serve as an education for all teachers to stop and reflect on their interaction with students."  At this time the N.C. teacher is still employed at the school.

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