Friday, May 18, 2012

"No Votes for You!"

Daniel Salinas, candidate for Mayor, arrested
Sunland Park, New Mexico would appear to be just another sleepy small town in America, but beneath its quiet facade and its rolling fiery colored hills lies a sea of deception and fraud. 

Just two minutes outside of El Paso, Texas this dusty border town is home to some of the worst voter fraud in the nation and can only be described by its auditor as "a city in chaos".

According to reports, "a slew of public officials are facing felony charges that they ran City Hall like a personal piggy bank, tried to steal an election in order to remain in power and ruled the 14,000 residents through intimidation and fear. The state is now moving to take over financial oversight of the city, as the council scrambles to try and name a new mayor."

As if the following allegations were not bad enough "authorities say the extortion investigation has revealed widespread voter fraud and public corruption in the small city just south of the Rio Grande," with charges ranging from blackmail and extortion all the way down to bribery. 

Is it time to overhaul the voter system?  Photo identification is being accepted in some states before individuals cast a ballot for the candidates of their choice during Primary and even General elections. 

North Carolina seeks to be one of those states and cut back on voter fraud and the potential thereof. 

To read more about the allegations against Sunland Park's mayor and the twelve other individuals being charged please go to the following link:

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