Sunday, May 27, 2012

Yes Clarice?

One of the most famous lines from the movie Hannibal starring Anthony Hopkins and Jodi Foster "Yes or no Clarice? can still send shivers up your spine as you briefly hear Hopkins eerie tone whispering through the movie screen. 
Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter

As sinister as Hopkins' character Lecter was in the film itself, nothing could have prepared Miami Police for what they witnessed on Saturday. 

The Miami Herald reported the, "Miami police and witnesses say that an officer on Saturday fatally shot a naked man who was chewing on the face of another man on a downtown causeway off-ramp. Gunshots were heard at about 2 p.m. on the MacArthur Causeway off-ramp, which is near the newspaper's (Heralds) offices. Witnesses said that a woman saw two men fighting and flagged down a police officer, who came upon a naked man mauling the other man." 

Police told reporters that the victim in the case had been taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital and was being treated for his injuries.  The identities of the individuals remain unknown and an investigation is currently underway.  To read more about the incident please go to:

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