Saturday, June 30, 2012

R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. May Determine Your Future

Did you know that besides it being your favorite color that it could also tell your future?  That's what some experts suggest.  According to the research you might want to consider taking the Dewey Color Systems Test.  

And yes, that is a real thing.  The article points out that the test is, "designed to measure career satisfaction. It lists the top 50 careers suited for you, plus hundreds of related occupations, and career specific organizations. To provide accurate and thorough results, data was obtained from 750,000 CareerBuilder online users."  To take the test and get color happy go to:

Friday, June 29, 2012

Book 'em Danno

Seldovia Police Chief Shad Haller had no idea that when he sat down to enjoy his dinner at a local restaurant on Monday that he would also be sitting down with a former Wyoming inmate who had escaped officials custody 31 years ago. 

Joseph Welch, age 57, had ran from Wyoming and had been residing in Alaska.  According to reports Haller arrested, "Joseph Welch on Monday while he was eating dinner at the Tide Pool Restaurant.  Wyoming corrections officials say he was serving up to six years in the Wyoming State Penitentiary when he was transferred to the state hospital for drug rehabilitation.  He escaped from custody in May of 1981."

So what has Mr. Welch been doing all this time?  According to Alaskan officials he had been living in the state for about twelve years and doing construction jobs to keep afloat.  For more information on this story please go to the following link below.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Americans Are Better Off if Taxed to Death? Supreme Court Ruling on Healthcare

"It is now unlawful not to purchase health insurance.  The IRS is going to come after you if you do not have it, this is what the ruling means for millions of Americans.  The Obama administration thinks this is a victory.  This is a tax problem." ~Marco Rubio

Senator from Florida Marco Rubio told Fox News that it was up to the Senate now to repeal the law.  He urged that the Supreme Court did not rule that the law was fair, or a good idea, but instead on the constitutionality of the law.

The high court ruled in favor of the insurance mandate 5-4 announcing their decision just after 10AM on the East Coast.  The vote now presses millions of Americans to purchase health insurance and if they cannot they will be penalized by the IRS, because it is now a tax. Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) told Fox News, "(Americans will) like it even less when they understand it's a tax."  Sen. Lee also cautioned, "that anyone who subsequently votes in favor of the law in Congress "will do so at their own political peril."

One Senator went so far as to call Chief Justice John Roberts, who sided with the majority on the ruling today, a "genius".  Despite President Obama's public statement after the ruling that he will not re-fight a battle from two years ago, he might just have to.  The fact that the law has been declared a "tax" towards the American people may not go over so well in Congress.

"Conservatives suggested the ruling could end up being a political gift, by re-energizing opposition to the law and their own party's candidates in the fall."  For more about this article and the discussion with Sen. Marco Rubio please go to the link below.

Voting Purge

A federal court judge in Florida yesterday refused to block the state's attempt to purge voter lists of ineligible voters from its rolls.

According to reports, "The decision could prompt some counties to revive efforts to identify registered voters who are not U.S. citizens.  Many counties had suspended the effort after hearing about conflicting legal opinions.  U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle ruled there was nothing in federal voting laws that prevent the state from identifying ineligible voters even if it is close to the upcoming August 14 election."

The U.S. Department of Justice had filed suit earlier this month to stop the voting purge but citing that this law did not/could not apply 90 days prior to the election. Judge Hinkle stated in his ruling that federal laws "are designed to block states from removing eligible voters close to an election, however they are not designed to block voters who should have never been allowed to cast ballots in the first place."

This controversial decision comes down just days after the Supreme Court Ruling on Arizona Immigration.  The Supreme Court is expected to rule today on another controversial topic, Obamacare.  To read more about Judge Hinkle's decision please go to the following link:

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Law of the Land

In an attempt to revoke the controversial Arizona Immigration law, the United States Supreme Court heard arguments both for and against the law.  Several protesters believed the bill would be, or could be, considered a form of racial profiling.  The law gave local law enforcement officials the authority to check a civilians papers, documents and identification when conducting a routine traffic stop if they suspected the individual(s) within the vehicle to have committed or have been involved with criminal activity. 

According to reports the courts decision today struck down three of the central parts of the bill but left one remaining.  A report from FOX NEWS stated, "The high court decision Monday struck down three provisions in Arizona's law, including one that allowed local police to arrest anybody they suspect committed a deportable offense. The ruling left in place, though, a central plank that required local law enforcement during routine stops to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect is in the country illegally."

The ruling means that for many local law enforcement officials, even if they decide to step up immigration checks, will have to ultimately rely on a federal official to make an arrest.  Governor Brewer of Arizona told the press late on Monday that the, "decision showed Obama "has demonstrated anew his utter disregard for the safety and security of the Arizona people. ... We are on our own, apparently."

Other critics like Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee also responded to the courts ruling by stating, "We've lost the ability for states to take problems that they themselves are facing and do something about it."  To read more about the Supreme Court decision please go to the following link:

Monday, June 25, 2012

10 Year Old Missouri Girl Rescued

A 10-year-old Missouri girl, who authorities say was severely malnourished and locked in a closet for several days has been rescued.  

According to reports, "The girl weighed just 32 pounds, and hospital records indicated that she has only gained 6 pounds since she was 4 or 5 years old, according to a police probable cause statement. The girl also suffers from "multiple healing skin injuries and failure to thrive," the statement said. "She weighed a little over a third of what a 10-year-old should weigh," Kansas City Police Capt. Steve Young said. "We don't know how long or how frequently she's been in there [the closet], but it's clear she'd spent a significant amount of time in there." 
Jacole Prince, 29

Kimberly Kelly, one of the young girls neighbors told reporters that they had never known that she was even apart of the household and had never seen her before.  The girls mother 29-year-old Jacole Prince (photo on left) had reportedly not been inside the home when authorities reached her door. 

 According to one officer who entered the house the second floor smelled strongly of urine.  When he noticed a crib that was pushed against a closet door that had been tied off with a rope he asked if someone were there and the young girl replied, "yes". 

Amongst the malnourishment there were obvious signs of physical abuse as well.  The young girl told hospital staff that her mother had locked her in the closet for two days and that she did not get to eat every day or play outside like her sisters.  Jacole Prince was arrested along with her boyfriend and admitted to locking the child in the closet, knowing that if anyone saw how malnourished she was they would surly arrest her.  For more on this story please go to the following link.

Term Limits

Yesterday the Egyptian people received the long and much anticipated news of their first ever free election results.  Muslim Brotherhood-backed candidate Mohammed Morsi was elected and will officially hold office as their first freely elected President. 

Newly Elected President Morsi of Egypt celebrating
Accounts of the historic moment relaid that several people within Tahrir Square, the birthplace of the uprising that ousted autocratic President Hosni Mubarak, fell to their knees, wept, prayed, danced and released doves with Morsi's photo attached.  Mumbarak had reached his term limits with the people of Egypt last year when several protestors took to the streets and demanded him to leave office.

News reports told of Morsi's tribute to the 900 individuals who lost their lives in the streets during those protests against Mumbarak.  Morsi pledged to uphold and preserve international accords, referencing the peace agreement that the country has with Israel. 

FoxNews reported earlier in the morning, or closer to 4pm Egyptian time, that many suspected Morsi would take a harder line with Israel and the United States.  Morsi stated in his address to the country, "I pledge to be a president who serves his people and works for them." 

Other reports stated that, "this is the first time modern Egypt will be headed by an Islamist and by a freely elected civilian. The country's last four presidents over the past six decades have all came from the ranks of the military. Shady el-Ghazali Harb, a prominent activist told reporters, "Congratulations because this means the end of the Mubarak state."

To learn more about the Egyptian people's first freely elected President and to learn more from the citizens there, please go to the following link:

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Deal or No Deal?

President Obama made a big push in his first 100 days of office back in 2008 for Healthcare reform.  But he left the group of individuals who desperately wanted him to lower interest rates on student loans in the dust.  Today however, negotiations are underway to reform those interest rates for college students and graduates. 

According to reports, "The goal is to push legislation through Congress next week so the current 3.4 percent interest rate on subsidized Stafford loans can be preserved for another year. A 2007 law gradually reduced interest rates on the loans but required them to balloon back to 6.8 percent this July 1 in a cost-saving maneuver." 

If the interests rates were upped it would significantly hurt several incoming college freshmen and outgoing college seniors.  The President told reporters that there was "no excuse for inaction," adding that, "right now, we are seven days away from thousands of American workers having to walk off the job because Congress hasn't passed a transportation bill. We are eight days away from nearly seven and a half million students seeing their loan rates double because Congress hasn't acted to stop it.  This makes no sense."

But will there be a deal?  To read the entire article please go to the following link below:

No Fun in the Sun

Jesse Michener, a freelance photographer, parted with her three children as they attended school on Thursday morning.  It was raining when the children left their home but around noon sunshine was in the forecast.  Michener knew that her children would be attending a field day at the school but since it had been raining did not think to cover her girls in sunscreen or that they would still be able to hold the event.  However, the school did hold the event and two of her children came back home badly burned. 

Michener took photos of her children's burns and posted them to her blog writing, "My children indicated that several adults commented on their burns at school, including staff and other parents.  One of my children remarked that their teacher used sunscreen in her presence and that it was 'just for her.' So, is this an issue of passive, inactive supervision? Where is the collective awareness for student safety?"

To make matters worse Michener's her youngest daughter Zoe, age 9, reportedly has a form of Albinism that her teachers and the school has been made aware of through a 504 plan.  In response to Michener's question about safety and this being an act of passive, inactive supervision a Tacoma Public School spokesman Dan Voelpel told Yahoo!Shine:

"that the school district's sunscreen policy -- which forbids teachers from applying sunscreen to students, and only allows students to apply it to their own bodies if they have a doctor's note authorizing it -- is based on a statewide law." 
In fact, the school district has been asked by Michener to come up with a waiver agreement for parents to sign that would allow teachers to apply sunscreen to their children.  It is a similar agreement to that used in several daycare centers across the country. To read more on this story please go to the following link:

Friday, June 22, 2012

Electric Shock

Kristin Harriger's Electric Bill Photo
Single mother Kristin Harriger of Texas receives her bills like most of us do.  And most of them are pretty common, the phone bill, the garbage bill, the insurance bill and of course the always dreaded electric bill.  But on this particular day when she opened that ominous electric bill expecting it to be a regular $100-$200, it was over $1.3 million.

Believing that the bill was a joke she took photos and showed it to several friends. (Photo on right).  After contacting the light company she later discovered that it was no joke, but instead a computer error. 

According to the article, "After contacting her utility company, Potentia Energy, she discovered it wasn't a joke, but a computing error. Rather than charging her the normal 9 cents per-kilowatt-hour rate, the utility charged her $1,000 per kilowatt hour. The $1,000 per-kilowatt-hour rate is far above the best offer available to her. The Public Utility Commission of Texas website shows that Abilene residents can get 8.2 to 12.1 cents per kilowatt hour, notes the Abilene newspaper. When asked about the bill Harriger told the Business Insider, "I'm glad I didn't have autopayments."

The electric company has notified Harriger that she will be receiving a new bill, just not one for $1.3 million.  To read the complete article please go to the following website:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bullies on the Bus

There's a lot of news floating around out there today.  Like Joe Biden's security detail getting into with a local Massachusetts State Police officer in a barroom brawl or Nancy Pelosi crying "foul" over the decision to hold Holder in contempt.  But politics aside, this news is probably the most heart wrenching of the day.

Karen Klein, age 68, works as a bus monitor for middle school children, which seems to be a very ordinary and otherwise uneventful job.  But Karen, along with others across the nation, face several challenges whenever transportation of young children is involved.  In a recent web video that has gone viral Klein, "was berated and bullied by a group of middle school students," the report continues to say that she informed police that she "will not press charges against the four seventh-graders."

According to reports, "Capt. Steve Chatterton of the Greece Police Department said Klein informed investigators that she will not seek criminal charges against the four students from Athena Middle School in Rochester.

Chatterton also stated to reporters Thursday afternoon that, “Obviously we are upset with what we saw in the video, both as parents and police officers. But at this time, she has decided she does not want to press criminal charges.”

After having watched the YouTube video several supporters wanted to contribute to Karena and ended up donating $200,000.  

To view the YouTube Video interview with NBC's Today Show host Matt Lauer please go to:

Grand Theft by Auto Worker

If you've played the infamous video game "Grand Theft Auto" well you've never seen anything like this.  For one Pennsylvania car company they truly experienced some "Grand Theft" but not of their vehicles, from their employee. 
Patricia Smith

According to reports Patricia Smith, a controller of the auto dealership, is headed for jail.  Smith reportedly embezzled over $10 million from her former boss during a total of 7 years.  It was estimated that she stole up to $4,000 a day for of all things, jet travel and trips to the theater, clothing and other items.  

All told, "Now, the woman nearing retirement age must serve 78 months in prison, three years of probation, and pay restitution of $10,349,569.14 for the fortune she obtained by making more than 800 money transfers from the Baierl Acura's coffers to her personal accounts."

Lee Baierl, CEO Of the Baierl Automotives told ABC News, "We're glad that justice has been served and this matter is now behind us. Despite the amount of funds taken over time, there were no adverse impacts to our daily operations. Our business is doing well and we have adopted stronger measures to prevent such a crime from ever occurring again."

For more news about this theft please go to the following link below.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Preception is Reality

In the case of television and news casting throughout the world, perception is often reality.  None so true as the incident that occurred when NBC edited a Romney Rally speech to try and portray the candidate as out of touch. 

According to reports, "During an afternoon broadcast of "Andrea Mitchell Reports," video of the GOP presidential candidate seemed to show a politician out of touch as he discussed ordering a hoagie at Wawa."
GOP Candidate Mitt Romney at Wawa

The GOP Presidential candidate was heard discussing on the tape how amazing it was to have a "touch pad" for everything, from cars to phones to even ordering your own food.  However, the tapes left out Romney's discussion on how efficient a business like Wawa's could be as opposed to his optometrist who tried for months to have his post office to recognize his change of address.  In fact Romney showed, "mock amazement at Wawa's efficiency to underscore how the private sector often runs circles around the clumsy bureaucracy."

Mitchell, tried to defend the statements by the video claiming that George H.W. Bush also had a similar incident when he was amazed at super-market scanners in a grocery store back in 1992.  Later the veteran news anchor stated, "The RNC and the campaign both reached out to us saying that Romney had more to say about that visit, about federal bureaucracy and innovation in the private sector."  Mitchell did play the unedited version of the clip after her remarks.

This is not the first time a news station has been caught by other networks or the press trying to doctor vidoes or telephone calls.  Back in March "NBC was caught editing the audio of George Zimmerman's 911 call as he watched Trayvon Martin in the minutes before he fatally shot the Florida teen."

To read more about the edited video please go to the following link:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

No Charges in Death of Child Molestor

A Texas dad did what any father would do when he suspected his daughter was in danger.  He stood up for his 4-year-old baby girl and saved her from the man who had tried to molest her on the family's property. 

According to reports, "The attack happened on the family's ranch between the farming towns of Shiner and Yoakum. Investigators said the 23-year-old father ran toward his daughter's screams, pulled Flores off his child and beat him with his hands."

Sheriff Micah Harmon told reporters that he believed the father was remorseful for having killed his daughters attacker, Jesus Mora Flores age 47.  Witnesses and family members told authorities that Flores had forcefully carried the young girl to a secluded area and when her father noticed her absence he went looking for her. 

When the girls father heard her screams he moved in and stopped Flores from further harming his daughter.  Authorities reported that all accounts backed up the father's story and that Flores was found with both his pants and undergarments off, completely exposed.  Forensics also concluded that the young girl was being sexually molested by Flores.  

Flores was in the country legally and local authorities are working on locating his next of kin.  Sheriff Harmon stated that the father, "was just protecting his daughter and doing what he thought he had to do to protect his daughter."  The incident was deemed traumatic for both the child and her family.  The father will not be facing charges in the case.  For more information please go to the following link:

Life Immitating Art

Picasso: Painting titled Guernica
A piece painted by the late artist Picasso in 1929 was vandalized according to a local news channel in Houston, Texas on Monday. 

The piece was spray painted with the words, "Conquista la Bestia." According to reports, "The piece, which was painted by Picasso in 1929, was rushed to restoration conservation, and the vandal's paint was successfully removed. The Menil is working with police on the investigation."

Perhaps it was an attempt by the vandal to suggest that life imitates art and that living meant making a mark of their own.  For this and other news please go to the following link:

Monday, June 18, 2012

"SWAT-ing" Alert

Erick Erickson of
With the 2012 campaign season about to be in full swing several Conservative bloggers are taking extra precautions when it comes to protecting themselves and their families.  No one knows this better than conservative blogger Erick Erickson of

According to reports, "SWAT-ing" refers to a hoax in which an anonymous prankster falsely reports a violent crime at an unsuspecting person's home, prompting a police team to respond to the location believing a dangerous situation is at hand."

 Ali Akbar, head of the National Bloggers Club told reporters that individuals who carry out such pranks are "trying to dampen down free speech, but it goes beyond that--it's putting people's physical safety in jeopardy."  

Pranksters have gone so far as to use "voiceover IP" technology to make it appear as those such telephone calls are actually resonating from the individuals home.  However, in reality the calls are nothing but a hoax.  In another case of "SWAT-ing" involved, "conservative Patrick Frey of Patterico's Pontifications, who reportedly had a SWAT team --with guns drawn -- descend on his California home in July 2011 and handcuff him."

Saturday, June 16, 2012

$2.1 Million Tax Fraud

Krystle Marie Reyes
Krystle Marie Reyes, of Salem, Oregon managed to scheme her way to a more than generous pay day courtesy of the U.S. government and taxpayers everywhere.

According to reports, "what's bizarre about the situation is how Reyes was caught. She reported another debit card as lost or stolen to the issuer, which apparently saw enough red flags to get the state's revenue service on the case. The affidavit doesn't say how much cash was loaded on the second card or whether it was obtained through a fraudulent tax return as well."

Moreover authorities learned that there were more than "900,000 fraudulent tax returns in 2011 that totaled $6.5 billion – and that's only counting returns that weren't actually issued."  Reyes had reportedly spent more than $150,000 in a 2 month period, most of the money was spent on vehicles and other various items. 

Reyes estimated that she spent thousands of dollars a week and according to the IRS there is no telling how many more people that have filed fraudulent tax returns have been provided with government money. 

To read more on this story and watch the news clip please go to the the following link:

Friday, June 15, 2012

Close Encounters of a Third Kind

Drone mistaken as Alien Aircraft in D.C.
If you've never seen the movie "Close Encounters of a Third Kind" I am certain that the people in D.C. could tell you exactly what an experience like believing aliens had taken over the world feels like. 

According to reports the internet was buzzing with activity about the site on the beltway as many onlookers believed what they were seeing were an alien spacecraft.  "The spotting took place around 11:00 p.m. Wednesday when drivers first saw the craft being hauled on a flatbed truck on I-270, then on I-495.  It wasn't the first time aircraft being transported had been mistaken for 'UFOs'. Last year, residents of Cowley County, Kansas mistook a similar flying machine."

However, the Maryland State Police confirmed that the aircraft was actually a drone that was being transported to West Virginia to a Naval Station in Maryland.  To learn more about the 'out of this world' aircraft please go to the following link:

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Out of the Woodwork

This will sound like a story straight out of Jungle Book but it may turn out to be the honest to goodness truth. Police spokesman Thomas Neuendorf told officials that he has ran the DNA of a young man who claims to have been raised in the wilderness by his father for the last 5 years against all missing persons and even went so far as to forward the intel to Interpol.

According to reports, "The boy has told authorities his father called him "Ray" and that he was born June 20, 1994, but claims not to know his last name or where he's from. He said his mother, Doreen, died in a car accident when he was 12 and after that he and his father, Ryan, took to the forest. He said they wandered using maps and a compass, staying in tents or caves overnight. He told authorities that after his father died in August, 2011, he buried him in the forest and then walked five days north before ending up in Berlin, and showed up at city hall."

"Ray", as he is known, is characterized as being 5-foot-11-inches in height and between the ages of 16 and 20.  Neuendorf said, "Ray does not speak English with a particular accent, leading investigators to believe that he is not a native speaker."  There is no real clue as to where the boy might have came from. 

Authorities have been unable to confirm or deny any of Ray's reports or locate the body of his father and find evidence of a tragic car accident.  But they hope that by releasing the photograph of the young man might spark someone's memory. For more on Ray's incredible story please go to the following link:

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

No Taxation Without Representation

Little does most of our younger generation know, but the reason America is here today is because of these four words: "No taxation without representation."  They sent a clear and decisive message to England's King George III in 1776.  It was a message that was followed by great feats by our Founding Fathers when they decided to make their statement quite clear during the Boston Tea Party.

So what happened?  Why are we now, some 236 years later being taxed at every turn without having our voices (representation) heard?  Sure we elect officials who are supposed to carry out our wishes and desires for us and the coming generations afterwards, but do they really listen?  Well in North Dakota they very well may have to start.

North Dakota's government is set to vote on a measure to end property taxes.  Yes, you read that right.  "Under Measure 2, property taxes would be eliminated and the Legislature would be ordered to supply replacement revenue to the local governments that depend on them. The state Tax Department estimated the needed sum would be more than $800 million annually."

Bottom line, North Dakota tax payers have stipulated that if their counties need funding they need to come to the people directly and not just ask, but explain why and how much. This would make county governments in the states held highly accountable for what they need.

According to reports, "The amendment was put on the ballot by a citizens' group called Empower the Taxpayer, led by Hale and Charlene Nelson, a Casselton activist. More than 27,000 North Dakota voters signed petitions demanding the vote."

To read more about Measure 2 and North Dakota's upcoming decision please go to the following link:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Histories Mysteries

Millions of men fought and died in the American Civil War.  The rivers of Antietam were said to have ran with blood after one day of battle and Gettysburg was certainly just as deadly.  But these men, whether they were brothers, sons, uncles, cousins or even friends often found themselves on opposing sides and against some very staggering odds on the battlefield.  What they did know was no matter what, they were apart of a family and family came first. 
Photograph Discovered, Unidentified

Two Civil War photos have been discovered amongst the bodies on battlefields, one picture was located between two individuals.  According to reports, "The photograph of one girl was found between the bodies of two soldiers — one Union, one Confederate, at Port Republic, Va., 150 years ago this June. The other was retrieved from a slain Union soldier's haversack in 1865 on a Virginia farm field days before a half-decade of blood-letting would end with a surrender signed not far away at Appomattox." 

The Confederate Museum is releasing a collection of these two young girls for the first time.  The unidentified photographs have everyone in the history community buzzing, including Ann Drury Wellford, a curator of over 6,000 Civil War images at the Richmond museum.  Wellford told the press, "We don't know who they are and the people who picked them up did not know who they were.  They evoke an utter and complete sentimentality."

It was not uncommon for soldiers to carry photographs of their loved ones onto the battlefields despite photography's fairly recent discovery.  Much like Face Book today, the use of photography gained popularity and has since stuck around.  For more information on the museum and the photographs please go to one of the following websites:

Monday, June 11, 2012


 If you happen to a be thinking about moving to Middleborough, Massachusetts you might want to check your "foul" language at the county line. The New England county and its residence have had enough of individuals who do not care to curse in public.  So in order to keep their town clean and curse free they have decided to up the anti a bit.

According to a witness to the foul language, "The cursing has gotten very, very bad. I find it appalling and I won't tolerate it," said Duphily, a civic leader in the otherwise quiet New England community, which calls itself the Cranberry Capital of the World. "No person should be allowed to talk in that manner." Now anytime a residence curses in public they could be facing a $20.00 fine.

Mrs. Duphily is 63 years old and came to the conclusion that shouting at kids who did not care to drop the "F-bomb" on one another in a very indiscreet manner was not enough.  So she approached the county's Beautification Group.  This sparked a chain of events which led Mrs. Duphily's plea all the way to the ears of the local Police Chief who has now made it his mission to help stop the cursing in Middleborough.  For more on this story please go to the following link.

Saturday, June 09, 2012


A county in Maryland reportedly distributed thousands of misspelled diplomas to their graduating class.  According to reports, "National Quality Products, the Fairfax County vendor that printed the nearly 8,000 diplomas, has apologized for the gaffe, along with school officials."

A schools spokesman Briant Coleman said that the vendor will have to "reprint the diplomas at no additional cost."  The county paid slightly over $15,000 for the diplomas the first time and an estimated $6500 more for other certificates and shipping costs.  

Graduating senior Terrance Odem said that he was "really excited to have gotten his diploma but was really disappointed that he had to wait to get the real one."

 For more on this story please go to:

Friday, June 08, 2012

O' Know He Didn't

Just hours after President Barrack Obama, got on a national stage and announced to the American people that the state of our economy was "doing all right", a major private sector credit ratings office said "no we're not." 

According to reports, "Standard & Poor’s affirmed its long-term credit rating on the United States at AA+ and said its outlook remains negative. The credit agency made the announcement after Obama's said Friday morning that the private sector is "doing fine" and that the GOP Congress is slowing down the economy. It was immediately pounced on by Mitt Romney and other Republican leaders, resulting in the president backpedaling by the afternoon." 

President Obama also went on to say that he believed that Congress needed to act in order to help boost the job market.  The President also pushed Republicans asking them for their assistance in helping Congress to work through this difficult economic climate stating, "If Republicans want to be helpful, if they really want to move forward and put people back to work, what they should be thinking about is how do we help state and local governments." 

Presidential Republican candidate Mitt Romney responded to the Presidents statement by saying, "He said the private sector is doing fine.  Is he really that out of touch? I think he’s defining what it means to be detached and out of touch with the American people. Has there ever been an American president who is so far from reality as to believe in an America where 23 million Americans are out of work.”

The announcement and turn around has Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill swarming to address the issue of the economy.  Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell also feels the President is out of touch, echoing Romney's sentiments and telling reporters, "The president must be on another planet,” Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told Fox News. “You saw job figures last Friday, completely disconnected from reality.”

For more information on the economy please go to the following links:

Standard & Poor:

and/or to read the full article go to:

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Walking to the "Bead" of a Different Drum

15-year-old Jake Balthazor of Coon Rapids Minnesota had no idea that wearing a pair of rosary beads would spark such attention.  Balthazor's father, Chad, told Fox News that his son "could no longer wear the black and silver rosary honoring his grandmother, who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer."  

School officials reportedly told the young man that the beads could seen as a gang symbol.  According to reports, "He was told [Wednesday] by staff not to wear it to school and they were not told he was wearing it because of his grandmother,” Olson said. “He was told not to wear it because it’s a gang symbol. He may not think of it as a gang symbol, but other students at the school may.” Mary Olson is reportedly the director of communication for the Anoka-Hennepin School District where Jake Balthazor attends school.

Police in Coon Rapids informed the school district that some gangs there used the beads a way of identifying members.  Jake's father has requested that the school district review its policy and was adamant that his son was not a part of gang but merely wearing the beads as a show of support and love for his grandmother.  Jake's grandmother, Sue Thompson, told reporters that she believed the decision was a bad one on the administrations behalf and was very upset with the district.

Jake told his father that he would wear the beads on Thursday to school but would put them in his pocket if asked.  To read more about the decision please go to:

What's a Royal Worth?

It's probably one of the most inquiring questions that the British government has been asked, and no doubt they are asked often.  What is the worth of a Royal?  Well according to reports the British Royal family is worth more than.....well perhaps most of the original paintings hanging in the Louvre.  $1 billion worth of those paintings to be exact.

British Royal Family on William & Kate's Wedding Day
When the total value of each individual is broken down Prince Charles is worth $221 million, Prince Andrew $75 million, Princes William and his brother Harry and Charles' late wife Diana are estimated to be worth $19 million and $16 million each.

According to the report completed by CEO of Wealth-X, Mykolas D. Rambus, "the fact that the combined wealth of the top 14 members only reached $1 billion reflects what has been suspected for some time: that new wealth is overtaking old wealth in Britain."

So if you were just curious and were one of the countless people on the planet who were wondering what exactly the Royal family was you know.  To read more and view a slideshow of the Royal family members please go to the following link:

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Ohhh Smack!

Mayor Barrett Concedes to Gov. Walker

It stung enough when Mayor of Milwaukee Tom Barrett had to concede defeat to his opponent Republican Governor Scott Walker after the recall election on Tuesday.  But one supporter of Barrett's felt he needed a little extra pain for giving that concession so effortlessly. 

According to reports, "Barrett greeted his supporters, a woman approached him and reportedly asked, "Can I slap you?" Barrett replied that he would prefer that she hugged him, so he leaned down, anticipating a hug but instead got the slap that she had requested. In the video of the incident, Barrett's head jerks back from the slap." 

The woman involved was reportedly upset that Barrett had relinquished his fight for the Governor seat because people were still trying to cast their ballots.  However, at the closing of the polls current Governor Scott Walker was leading by 53% of the vote. 

Barrett told his supporters that it was important for him and the Governor to work together.  Others also hope that the state can work through its political differences after such a heated election.  For more on the incident please go to:

I'm Walkin', Yes Indeed I'm Walkin'

Wisconsin Governor Walker is walkin' right back into the Governor mansion as he successfully survived his recall election yesterday.  Walker, who has been under heavy fire for his controversial budget cuts to state employees, is looking to finally carry out his term in office.

Governor Walker of Wisconsin
According to reports, "the recall effort began when the first-term governor and Republicans in the state legislature rolled back what they considered excesses in the collective bargaining agreements of public-employee unions -- an effort to cut Wisconsin’s estimated $3.6 billion budget shortfall."

 The Governor re-elect told his supporters after the election results had been presented, "Now is the time for us to come together. Tomorrow we are all Wisconsinites.” Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett who ran against Walker in the recall told his supporters that, "Now we must look to the future."  Walker carried 53% of the vote with all precincts reporting.

Questions still linger as to whether or not Wisconsin can move forward after such a highly politically charged election and what consequences it might have on the rest of the nation, especially this years Presidential election.  Presidential candidate Mitt Romney stated that Governor Walker had "demonstrated over the last year that sound fiscal policies can and do turn the country around."

To read more at the Wisconsin recall please go to:

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

The Delegates are Coming! The Delegates are Coming!

Delegates at Louisiana Rep. Convention
That's right folks, the 2012 election is heating up and while Romney smiles from ear to ear over his victories in primaries across the nation nothing seems to be stopping Ron Paul from winning the delegate count.  

Primaries and caucuses are a great way to weed out the right candidate for public office, especially the highest office in the land, but they are nothing without the delegates as the Ron Paul camp clearly understands. 

On Saturday morning the Louisiana's State Republican Convention began to fill with panic as they realized the Ron Paul delegates outnumbered Romney supporters.  According to reports, "sources report that state party officials panicked when it became clear that Ron Paul delegates commanded a decisive majority of the delegates on the floor – at least 111 of 180 (62%)." 

Roger Villere, the Chairman of the Convention recognized the former Chair of the Convention’s Rules Committee, but when the newly appointed Chair for the Rules Committee rose and attempted to address the convention he was ordered off the floor.  The Chairman then found himself ousted and a new appointee was presented to those in attendance.  Video footage of the incident can be seen by clicking on the link below.  Further comments made by the article read, "Saturday morning’s incidents come on the heels of increasing panic among state party leaders in the aftermath of Ron Paul’s decisive victory in the Louisiana caucuses in April."  

Will Ron Paul win after all?  It appears that with the delegates coming to every state convention that there is a very good chance Romney still has a fight on his hands. For more on the Louisiana State Republican Convention please go to:

Monday, June 04, 2012

Mother Forgets Child On Top of Vehicle

Catalina Clouser
Everyone gets distracted from time to time, especially when we have young children or are busy on our jobs.  However, rarely are we so strapped for time that we forget our child's safety or to turn in our time sheets.  19 year old Catalina Clouser is truly the exception.  Clouser had placed her young son, in his car seat, on the roof of her vehicle and drove off.  Clouser did not even hear the infant as he fell off the car at an intersection. 

The young child was found at that intersection, still in his car seat and unharmed.  The individuals who found the child told the police officers on the scene that they knew the child was Clouser's.  One witness told police, ""We were both rolling our eyes in astonishment that someone could forget their baby." 

According to police officials, "Clouser, who allegedly had been smoking marijuana, was arrested and charged with aggravated driving under the influence and child abuse." Officer James Holmes of the Phoenix P.D. went on to say, "We believe that whatever she was under the influence of was the deciding factor in what did happen to this child and we're extremely happy that for the baby this turned out well and the baby is going to be OK." 

The child is now in the custody of Child Protective Services.  To read more about this incident please go to:

University of Chicago Prodigy

Sho Yano
While most of us are attending elementary or primary school at the age of 9, Shao Yano was attending his first years of college.  The young man, now 21 years old, will become the University of Chicago's youngest M.D. graduate. 

According to reports, "Sho Yano will graduate this week from the Pritzker School of Medicine, where he also received a Ph.D. in molecular genetics and cell biology. Yano graduated with honors from Loyola University after just three years before starting medical school at age 12. The Chicago Tribune reports that some schools didn't admit Yano because of concerns that such rigorous training could interfere with his adolescent development."

 Sometimes we all need a challenge and Sho Yano certainly is proof that the only obstacles in life are the one's we do not try to overcome.  Wishing the class of 2012 of the University of Chicago and students everywhere a very heartfelt congratulations.

To learn more about Sho Yano please go to the following link:

Friday, June 01, 2012

Who Wants to be a Half-Millionaire?

With 20 years of waitressing under her belt Virginia Hopkins is no stranger to hard work.  Like most Americans she goes to a regular job and is considered to be one of the most honest waitresses in the country.  And like everyone come tax time she files her return.  Hopkins had been expecting a simple $754 return and had been waiting patiently to receive it, however the check she received instead left her speechless. 

Virginia Hopkins
Hopkins told reporters, "I think I would have to work most of my life to earn that much money. Even with undeclared tips." How much did she get?  Nearly a million dollars.  Hopkins' tax refund was a cool $434,712. That's right! She earned nearly half a million from the government. 

According to reports Virginia Hopkins works for, "Johnny's Downtown Restaurant, a Cleveland institution, since it opened 19 years ago.  She jokes with customers telling them, "I used to be a tall, slim brunette.  Now I stand four-feet-eight with white hair. This is what happens after 20 years of waitressing." 

However, Benjamin Franklin once said "honesty is always the best policy" and Virginia, being one of the most honest waitresses in the country could not help but to question her refund.  So she carried the check into the IRS office in Cleveland, Ohio, presented them with her photo ID and explained to them that she wanted to return the refund.  The IRS officials assured her they would investigate the monetary error but are not allowed to provide her with any information in regards to their findings. 

You might wonder how someone would feel going from riches to rages in just one day, well Virginia joked with reporters by saying, "It's not easy being poor after you've been rich."  She is still waiting on her $754 tax refund. 

For more on Virginia Hopkins and her story please go to:

I Feel Not Guilty, Not Guilty!

Who can forget the spoof of John Edwards having his hair done on You Tube?  Well if you never got to see it the link has been provided below.  The new tune Edwards is singing?  "I feel not guilty, not guilty!"  Does it really surprise anyone that he managed to escape prison time? 

Thursdays announcement claimed the jury had found former Senator John Edwards not guilty on one of the 6 counts against him.  The judge has since declared a mistrial and for now Edwards walks free. 

Edwards told the press outside of the North Carolina court house, "I really believe (God) thinks there's still some good things I can do," he said. "Whatever happens with this legal stuff going forward, what I'm hopeful about is all those kids that I've seen, you know, in the poorest parts of this country and in some of the poorest places in the world, that I can help them, in whatever way I'm still capable of helping them," and went on to add that he believes he did anything illegal saying, "I did an awful, awful lot that was wrong."

 There appears to be no interest in a retrial of the case by Federal prosecutors for a trail many North Carolinian's felt was unnecessary to begin with.  According to reports the bases for the trail was Edwards campaign finances and whether or not he funneled money to his mistress Rielle Hunter in the sum of $1 million in an attempt to keep their affair a secret from Edwards' late wife Elizabeth and keep it hidden while he sought the 2008 bid for the Presidency.

For more on John Edwards please go to the following link: