Tuesday, June 05, 2012

The Delegates are Coming! The Delegates are Coming!

Delegates at Louisiana Rep. Convention
That's right folks, the 2012 election is heating up and while Romney smiles from ear to ear over his victories in primaries across the nation nothing seems to be stopping Ron Paul from winning the delegate count.  

Primaries and caucuses are a great way to weed out the right candidate for public office, especially the highest office in the land, but they are nothing without the delegates as the Ron Paul camp clearly understands. 

On Saturday morning the Louisiana's State Republican Convention began to fill with panic as they realized the Ron Paul delegates outnumbered Romney supporters.  According to reports, "sources report that state party officials panicked when it became clear that Ron Paul delegates commanded a decisive majority of the delegates on the floor – at least 111 of 180 (62%)." 

Roger Villere, the Chairman of the Convention recognized the former Chair of the Convention’s Rules Committee, but when the newly appointed Chair for the Rules Committee rose and attempted to address the convention he was ordered off the floor.  The Chairman then found himself ousted and a new appointee was presented to those in attendance.  Video footage of the incident can be seen by clicking on the link below.  Further comments made by the article read, "Saturday morning’s incidents come on the heels of increasing panic among state party leaders in the aftermath of Ron Paul’s decisive victory in the Louisiana caucuses in April."  

Will Ron Paul win after all?  It appears that with the delegates coming to every state convention that there is a very good chance Romney still has a fight on his hands. For more on the Louisiana State Republican Convention please go to:  http://www.policymic.com/articles/9163/ron-paul-delegates-arrested-as-they-win-a-majority-at-louisiana-gop-convention

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