Monday, June 04, 2012

Mother Forgets Child On Top of Vehicle

Catalina Clouser
Everyone gets distracted from time to time, especially when we have young children or are busy on our jobs.  However, rarely are we so strapped for time that we forget our child's safety or to turn in our time sheets.  19 year old Catalina Clouser is truly the exception.  Clouser had placed her young son, in his car seat, on the roof of her vehicle and drove off.  Clouser did not even hear the infant as he fell off the car at an intersection. 

The young child was found at that intersection, still in his car seat and unharmed.  The individuals who found the child told the police officers on the scene that they knew the child was Clouser's.  One witness told police, ""We were both rolling our eyes in astonishment that someone could forget their baby." 

According to police officials, "Clouser, who allegedly had been smoking marijuana, was arrested and charged with aggravated driving under the influence and child abuse." Officer James Holmes of the Phoenix P.D. went on to say, "We believe that whatever she was under the influence of was the deciding factor in what did happen to this child and we're extremely happy that for the baby this turned out well and the baby is going to be OK." 

The child is now in the custody of Child Protective Services.  To read more about this incident please go to:

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