Thursday, June 28, 2012

Americans Are Better Off if Taxed to Death? Supreme Court Ruling on Healthcare

"It is now unlawful not to purchase health insurance.  The IRS is going to come after you if you do not have it, this is what the ruling means for millions of Americans.  The Obama administration thinks this is a victory.  This is a tax problem." ~Marco Rubio

Senator from Florida Marco Rubio told Fox News that it was up to the Senate now to repeal the law.  He urged that the Supreme Court did not rule that the law was fair, or a good idea, but instead on the constitutionality of the law.

The high court ruled in favor of the insurance mandate 5-4 announcing their decision just after 10AM on the East Coast.  The vote now presses millions of Americans to purchase health insurance and if they cannot they will be penalized by the IRS, because it is now a tax. Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) told Fox News, "(Americans will) like it even less when they understand it's a tax."  Sen. Lee also cautioned, "that anyone who subsequently votes in favor of the law in Congress "will do so at their own political peril."

One Senator went so far as to call Chief Justice John Roberts, who sided with the majority on the ruling today, a "genius".  Despite President Obama's public statement after the ruling that he will not re-fight a battle from two years ago, he might just have to.  The fact that the law has been declared a "tax" towards the American people may not go over so well in Congress.

"Conservatives suggested the ruling could end up being a political gift, by re-energizing opposition to the law and their own party's candidates in the fall."  For more about this article and the discussion with Sen. Marco Rubio please go to the link below.

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