Tuesday, June 19, 2012

No Charges in Death of Child Molestor

A Texas dad did what any father would do when he suspected his daughter was in danger.  He stood up for his 4-year-old baby girl and saved her from the man who had tried to molest her on the family's property. 

According to reports, "The attack happened on the family's ranch between the farming towns of Shiner and Yoakum. Investigators said the 23-year-old father ran toward his daughter's screams, pulled Flores off his child and beat him with his hands."

Sheriff Micah Harmon told reporters that he believed the father was remorseful for having killed his daughters attacker, Jesus Mora Flores age 47.  Witnesses and family members told authorities that Flores had forcefully carried the young girl to a secluded area and when her father noticed her absence he went looking for her. 

When the girls father heard her screams he moved in and stopped Flores from further harming his daughter.  Authorities reported that all accounts backed up the father's story and that Flores was found with both his pants and undergarments off, completely exposed.  Forensics also concluded that the young girl was being sexually molested by Flores.  

Flores was in the country legally and local authorities are working on locating his next of kin.  Sheriff Harmon stated that the father, "was just protecting his daughter and doing what he thought he had to do to protect his daughter."  The incident was deemed traumatic for both the child and her family.  The father will not be facing charges in the case.  For more information please go to the following link:

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