Wednesday, June 06, 2012

I'm Walkin', Yes Indeed I'm Walkin'

Wisconsin Governor Walker is walkin' right back into the Governor mansion as he successfully survived his recall election yesterday.  Walker, who has been under heavy fire for his controversial budget cuts to state employees, is looking to finally carry out his term in office.

Governor Walker of Wisconsin
According to reports, "the recall effort began when the first-term governor and Republicans in the state legislature rolled back what they considered excesses in the collective bargaining agreements of public-employee unions -- an effort to cut Wisconsin’s estimated $3.6 billion budget shortfall."

 The Governor re-elect told his supporters after the election results had been presented, "Now is the time for us to come together. Tomorrow we are all Wisconsinites.” Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett who ran against Walker in the recall told his supporters that, "Now we must look to the future."  Walker carried 53% of the vote with all precincts reporting.

Questions still linger as to whether or not Wisconsin can move forward after such a highly politically charged election and what consequences it might have on the rest of the nation, especially this years Presidential election.  Presidential candidate Mitt Romney stated that Governor Walker had "demonstrated over the last year that sound fiscal policies can and do turn the country around."

To read more at the Wisconsin recall please go to:

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