Friday, June 22, 2012

Electric Shock

Kristin Harriger's Electric Bill Photo
Single mother Kristin Harriger of Texas receives her bills like most of us do.  And most of them are pretty common, the phone bill, the garbage bill, the insurance bill and of course the always dreaded electric bill.  But on this particular day when she opened that ominous electric bill expecting it to be a regular $100-$200, it was over $1.3 million.

Believing that the bill was a joke she took photos and showed it to several friends. (Photo on right).  After contacting the light company she later discovered that it was no joke, but instead a computer error. 

According to the article, "After contacting her utility company, Potentia Energy, she discovered it wasn't a joke, but a computing error. Rather than charging her the normal 9 cents per-kilowatt-hour rate, the utility charged her $1,000 per kilowatt hour. The $1,000 per-kilowatt-hour rate is far above the best offer available to her. The Public Utility Commission of Texas website shows that Abilene residents can get 8.2 to 12.1 cents per kilowatt hour, notes the Abilene newspaper. When asked about the bill Harriger told the Business Insider, "I'm glad I didn't have autopayments."

The electric company has notified Harriger that she will be receiving a new bill, just not one for $1.3 million.  To read the complete article please go to the following website:

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