Saturday, June 16, 2012

$2.1 Million Tax Fraud

Krystle Marie Reyes
Krystle Marie Reyes, of Salem, Oregon managed to scheme her way to a more than generous pay day courtesy of the U.S. government and taxpayers everywhere.

According to reports, "what's bizarre about the situation is how Reyes was caught. She reported another debit card as lost or stolen to the issuer, which apparently saw enough red flags to get the state's revenue service on the case. The affidavit doesn't say how much cash was loaded on the second card or whether it was obtained through a fraudulent tax return as well."

Moreover authorities learned that there were more than "900,000 fraudulent tax returns in 2011 that totaled $6.5 billion – and that's only counting returns that weren't actually issued."  Reyes had reportedly spent more than $150,000 in a 2 month period, most of the money was spent on vehicles and other various items. 

Reyes estimated that she spent thousands of dollars a week and according to the IRS there is no telling how many more people that have filed fraudulent tax returns have been provided with government money. 

To read more on this story and watch the news clip please go to the the following link:

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