Friday, June 15, 2012

Close Encounters of a Third Kind

Drone mistaken as Alien Aircraft in D.C.
If you've never seen the movie "Close Encounters of a Third Kind" I am certain that the people in D.C. could tell you exactly what an experience like believing aliens had taken over the world feels like. 

According to reports the internet was buzzing with activity about the site on the beltway as many onlookers believed what they were seeing were an alien spacecraft.  "The spotting took place around 11:00 p.m. Wednesday when drivers first saw the craft being hauled on a flatbed truck on I-270, then on I-495.  It wasn't the first time aircraft being transported had been mistaken for 'UFOs'. Last year, residents of Cowley County, Kansas mistook a similar flying machine."

However, the Maryland State Police confirmed that the aircraft was actually a drone that was being transported to West Virginia to a Naval Station in Maryland.  To learn more about the 'out of this world' aircraft please go to the following link:

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