Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Ohhh Smack!

Mayor Barrett Concedes to Gov. Walker

It stung enough when Mayor of Milwaukee Tom Barrett had to concede defeat to his opponent Republican Governor Scott Walker after the recall election on Tuesday.  But one supporter of Barrett's felt he needed a little extra pain for giving that concession so effortlessly. 

According to reports, "Barrett greeted his supporters, a woman approached him and reportedly asked, "Can I slap you?" Barrett replied that he would prefer that she hugged him, so he leaned down, anticipating a hug but instead got the slap that she had requested. In the video of the incident, Barrett's head jerks back from the slap." 

The woman involved was reportedly upset that Barrett had relinquished his fight for the Governor seat because people were still trying to cast their ballots.  However, at the closing of the polls current Governor Scott Walker was leading by 53% of the vote. 

Barrett told his supporters that it was important for him and the Governor to work together.  Others also hope that the state can work through its political differences after such a heated election.  For more on the incident please go to:

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