Thursday, June 07, 2012

What's a Royal Worth?

It's probably one of the most inquiring questions that the British government has been asked, and no doubt they are asked often.  What is the worth of a Royal?  Well according to reports the British Royal family is worth more than.....well perhaps most of the original paintings hanging in the Louvre.  $1 billion worth of those paintings to be exact.

British Royal Family on William & Kate's Wedding Day
When the total value of each individual is broken down Prince Charles is worth $221 million, Prince Andrew $75 million, Princes William and his brother Harry and Charles' late wife Diana are estimated to be worth $19 million and $16 million each.

According to the report completed by CEO of Wealth-X, Mykolas D. Rambus, "the fact that the combined wealth of the top 14 members only reached $1 billion reflects what has been suspected for some time: that new wealth is overtaking old wealth in Britain."

So if you were just curious and were one of the countless people on the planet who were wondering what exactly the Royal family was you know.  To read more and view a slideshow of the Royal family members please go to the following link:

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