Monday, June 25, 2012

Term Limits

Yesterday the Egyptian people received the long and much anticipated news of their first ever free election results.  Muslim Brotherhood-backed candidate Mohammed Morsi was elected and will officially hold office as their first freely elected President. 

Newly Elected President Morsi of Egypt celebrating
Accounts of the historic moment relaid that several people within Tahrir Square, the birthplace of the uprising that ousted autocratic President Hosni Mubarak, fell to their knees, wept, prayed, danced and released doves with Morsi's photo attached.  Mumbarak had reached his term limits with the people of Egypt last year when several protestors took to the streets and demanded him to leave office.

News reports told of Morsi's tribute to the 900 individuals who lost their lives in the streets during those protests against Mumbarak.  Morsi pledged to uphold and preserve international accords, referencing the peace agreement that the country has with Israel. 

FoxNews reported earlier in the morning, or closer to 4pm Egyptian time, that many suspected Morsi would take a harder line with Israel and the United States.  Morsi stated in his address to the country, "I pledge to be a president who serves his people and works for them." 

Other reports stated that, "this is the first time modern Egypt will be headed by an Islamist and by a freely elected civilian. The country's last four presidents over the past six decades have all came from the ranks of the military. Shady el-Ghazali Harb, a prominent activist told reporters, "Congratulations because this means the end of the Mubarak state."

To learn more about the Egyptian people's first freely elected President and to learn more from the citizens there, please go to the following link:

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