Thursday, June 28, 2012

Voting Purge

A federal court judge in Florida yesterday refused to block the state's attempt to purge voter lists of ineligible voters from its rolls.

According to reports, "The decision could prompt some counties to revive efforts to identify registered voters who are not U.S. citizens.  Many counties had suspended the effort after hearing about conflicting legal opinions.  U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle ruled there was nothing in federal voting laws that prevent the state from identifying ineligible voters even if it is close to the upcoming August 14 election."

The U.S. Department of Justice had filed suit earlier this month to stop the voting purge but citing that this law did not/could not apply 90 days prior to the election. Judge Hinkle stated in his ruling that federal laws "are designed to block states from removing eligible voters close to an election, however they are not designed to block voters who should have never been allowed to cast ballots in the first place."

This controversial decision comes down just days after the Supreme Court Ruling on Arizona Immigration.  The Supreme Court is expected to rule today on another controversial topic, Obamacare.  To read more about Judge Hinkle's decision please go to the following link:

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