Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bullies on the Bus

There's a lot of news floating around out there today.  Like Joe Biden's security detail getting into with a local Massachusetts State Police officer in a barroom brawl or Nancy Pelosi crying "foul" over the decision to hold Holder in contempt.  But politics aside, this news is probably the most heart wrenching of the day.

Karen Klein, age 68, works as a bus monitor for middle school children, which seems to be a very ordinary and otherwise uneventful job.  But Karen, along with others across the nation, face several challenges whenever transportation of young children is involved.  In a recent web video that has gone viral Klein, "was berated and bullied by a group of middle school students," the report continues to say that she informed police that she "will not press charges against the four seventh-graders."

According to reports, "Capt. Steve Chatterton of the Greece Police Department said Klein informed investigators that she will not seek criminal charges against the four students from Athena Middle School in Rochester.

Chatterton also stated to reporters Thursday afternoon that, “Obviously we are upset with what we saw in the video, both as parents and police officers. But at this time, she has decided she does not want to press criminal charges.”

After having watched the YouTube video several supporters wanted to contribute to Karena and ended up donating $200,000.  

To view the YouTube Video interview with NBC's Today Show host Matt Lauer please go to:

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