Wednesday, June 13, 2012

No Taxation Without Representation

Little does most of our younger generation know, but the reason America is here today is because of these four words: "No taxation without representation."  They sent a clear and decisive message to England's King George III in 1776.  It was a message that was followed by great feats by our Founding Fathers when they decided to make their statement quite clear during the Boston Tea Party.

So what happened?  Why are we now, some 236 years later being taxed at every turn without having our voices (representation) heard?  Sure we elect officials who are supposed to carry out our wishes and desires for us and the coming generations afterwards, but do they really listen?  Well in North Dakota they very well may have to start.

North Dakota's government is set to vote on a measure to end property taxes.  Yes, you read that right.  "Under Measure 2, property taxes would be eliminated and the Legislature would be ordered to supply replacement revenue to the local governments that depend on them. The state Tax Department estimated the needed sum would be more than $800 million annually."

Bottom line, North Dakota tax payers have stipulated that if their counties need funding they need to come to the people directly and not just ask, but explain why and how much. This would make county governments in the states held highly accountable for what they need.

According to reports, "The amendment was put on the ballot by a citizens' group called Empower the Taxpayer, led by Hale and Charlene Nelson, a Casselton activist. More than 27,000 North Dakota voters signed petitions demanding the vote."

To read more about Measure 2 and North Dakota's upcoming decision please go to the following link:

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