Friday, June 01, 2012

Who Wants to be a Half-Millionaire?

With 20 years of waitressing under her belt Virginia Hopkins is no stranger to hard work.  Like most Americans she goes to a regular job and is considered to be one of the most honest waitresses in the country.  And like everyone come tax time she files her return.  Hopkins had been expecting a simple $754 return and had been waiting patiently to receive it, however the check she received instead left her speechless. 

Virginia Hopkins
Hopkins told reporters, "I think I would have to work most of my life to earn that much money. Even with undeclared tips." How much did she get?  Nearly a million dollars.  Hopkins' tax refund was a cool $434,712. That's right! She earned nearly half a million from the government. 

According to reports Virginia Hopkins works for, "Johnny's Downtown Restaurant, a Cleveland institution, since it opened 19 years ago.  She jokes with customers telling them, "I used to be a tall, slim brunette.  Now I stand four-feet-eight with white hair. This is what happens after 20 years of waitressing." 

However, Benjamin Franklin once said "honesty is always the best policy" and Virginia, being one of the most honest waitresses in the country could not help but to question her refund.  So she carried the check into the IRS office in Cleveland, Ohio, presented them with her photo ID and explained to them that she wanted to return the refund.  The IRS officials assured her they would investigate the monetary error but are not allowed to provide her with any information in regards to their findings. 

You might wonder how someone would feel going from riches to rages in just one day, well Virginia joked with reporters by saying, "It's not easy being poor after you've been rich."  She is still waiting on her $754 tax refund. 

For more on Virginia Hopkins and her story please go to:

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