Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Preception is Reality

In the case of television and news casting throughout the world, perception is often reality.  None so true as the incident that occurred when NBC edited a Romney Rally speech to try and portray the candidate as out of touch. 

According to reports, "During an afternoon broadcast of "Andrea Mitchell Reports," video of the GOP presidential candidate seemed to show a politician out of touch as he discussed ordering a hoagie at Wawa."
GOP Candidate Mitt Romney at Wawa

The GOP Presidential candidate was heard discussing on the tape how amazing it was to have a "touch pad" for everything, from cars to phones to even ordering your own food.  However, the tapes left out Romney's discussion on how efficient a business like Wawa's could be as opposed to his optometrist who tried for months to have his post office to recognize his change of address.  In fact Romney showed, "mock amazement at Wawa's efficiency to underscore how the private sector often runs circles around the clumsy bureaucracy."

Mitchell, tried to defend the statements by the video claiming that George H.W. Bush also had a similar incident when he was amazed at super-market scanners in a grocery store back in 1992.  Later the veteran news anchor stated, "The RNC and the campaign both reached out to us saying that Romney had more to say about that visit, about federal bureaucracy and innovation in the private sector."  Mitchell did play the unedited version of the clip after her remarks.

This is not the first time a news station has been caught by other networks or the press trying to doctor vidoes or telephone calls.  Back in March "NBC was caught editing the audio of George Zimmerman's 911 call as he watched Trayvon Martin in the minutes before he fatally shot the Florida teen."

To read more about the edited video please go to the following link:

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